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Wednesday 7 November 2012

Top 10 Largest Earthquakes

May 22, 1960
Prince William Sound, Alaska
March 28,1964
Aleutian Islands
March 9, 1957
March 11,2011
Nov. 4, 1952
Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
Dec. 26, 2004
Off the coast of Ecuador
Jan. 31, 1906
Offshore Maule, Chile
Feb. 27, 2010
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
Feb. 4, 1965
Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
March 28,2005

Top 10 Worst US Presidents

10. Calvin Coolidge (1923 – 1929)

In 1919, three quarters of the Boston Police Force went on strike. Coolidge (then Governor of Massachusetts) had observed the situation throughout the conflict, but had not yet intervened. Curtis proclaimed that none of the strikers would be allowed back to their former jobs, and Coolidge issued calls for a new police force to be recruited. His reputation underwent a renaissance during the Reagan administration, but the ultimate assessment of his presidency is still divided between those who approve of his reduction of the size of government and those who believe the federal government should be more involved in regulating the economy

9. Richard Nixon (1969 – 1974)

In June, 1972, several of Nixon’s men were caught breaking into Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC – bringing to light the infamous Watergate Scandal. Nixon himself downplayed the scandal as mere politics, but when his aides resigned in disgrace, Nixon’s role in ordering an illegal cover-up came to light in the press, courts, and congressional investigations. N. Nixon was named by the grand jury investigating Watergate as “an unindicted co-conspirator” in the Watergate scandal. In light of his loss of political support and the near certainty of both his impeachment by the House of Representatives and his probable conviction by the Senate, he resigned on August 9, 1974, after addressing the nation on television the previous evening. He never admitted to criminal wrongdoing, although he later conceded errors of judgment.

8. Zachary Taylor (1849 – 1850)

The slavery issue dominated Taylor’s short term. Although he owned slaves, he took a moderate stance on the territorial expansion of slavery, angering fellow Southerners. Taylor urged settlers in New Mexico and California to draft constitutions and apply for statehood, bypassing the territorial stage. Southerners were furious with Taylor and with California. Taylor held a stormy conference with Southern leaders who threatened secession. He told them that if necessary to enforce the laws, he personally would lead the Army. 

7. John Tyler (1841 – 1845)

Tyler’s Presidency was rarely taken seriously in his time. Opponents usually referred him to as the “Acting President” or “His Accidency”.  The House of Representatives considered the first impeachment resolution against a president in American history. A committee headed by former president John Quincy Adams concluded that Tyler had misused the veto, but the impeachment resolution did not pass.

6. Millard Fillmore (1850 – 1853)

Fillmore ascended to the presidency upon the sudden and unexpected death of President Taylor in July 1850. The change in leadership also signaled an abrupt political shift in the administration, as Fillmore removed Taylor’s entire cabinet, replacing them with individuals known to be favorable to the Compromise efforts. Fillmore signed into law the Fugitive Slave Act as a compromise between Southern slaveholding interests and Northern Free-Soilers. The act sought to force the authorities in free states to return fugitive slaves to their masters.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Top 10 Outstanding US Presidents

 Till today there were 44 presidents in the history of United States. There were some great names who were the best leader of the nations. Following  are the ten outstanding US presidents,

10. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)

John F. Kennedy was one charismatic president. He brought many teachers, writers, scientists and different intellectuals into the government.He established the Peace Corps in order to help the undeveloped nations and was very devoted to working hard for new civil rights laws.  This became further unrealistic when the Russians started to send missiles to Cuba. This brought the two countries to the verge of war but Kennedy was determined to avoid it at all cost and diffused all the tensions brilliantly. He had the power to inspire and considering that he only served as the president for a brief stint of about two years before being assassinated, he achieved a lot.

9. Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)

Andrew Jackson was a fearless president right from the beginning. He easily was the best president ever to serve the army – going well past the excellence of George Washington, smashing the British in the war of (18(12 and then playing the paramount role in taking Florida from Spain. So during his presidency there was no shortage of courage as he demonstrated how great a role the president had to play, by undertaking the responsibility of getting people the laws they wanted instead of leaving everything up to the Congress. The Tariff act was passed in (1832, which would be significant to America’s economy forever. When North Carolina had other opinions about the act, Jackson made it clear that no state had the right to break national laws and threatened to use the army if necessary to save the union. He proved too strong and a compromise was worked out.

8. James Monroe (1817-1825)

James Monroe’s presidency became known as the era of good feeling. He settled tensions between England and America by coming to an agreement of reducing the number of ships present in the great lakes which triggered a wave of friendly cooperation and peaceful negotiations which still exists today between the countries of America, England and France. The Missouri compromise was signed which allowed Missouri to be a slave state but make sure that all further states up north would be non slavery states. He also signed and ensured the Monroe Doctrine which forbade all European countries making new colonies in the Americas.

7. Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)

Thomas Jefferson cared passionately about his country and put the interests of the people before his. He cut down on the army and the navy as he thought that a country should be run cheaply as possible so there would always be money for bigger developments when the need came. He was successful in buying from France the whole Louisiana territory, stretching from the Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains and henceforth doubled the size of his country. When there was a threat from the Barbary pirates based in Africa, he utilized his navy to attack these pirates which once again ensured the smooth flow of American ships through the Mediterranean Sea. He was on very good terms with the people and mostly likely would have been reelected; instead he stepped down as president, believing that no one should run for more than two terms for democracy to be sustained in the land of the free.

6.Grover Cleveland (1885-1889) and (1893-1897)

Grover Cleveland was a tremendously hard working president. He began to reform the federal government and at the same improved civil service to get better workers. He forced the railroads to return 81 million acres of government which they had taken illegally. As he worked so fervently he never turned a deaf ear to any one of the country’s problems and even boosted the navy by getting them the best ships. When a railroad strike in Chicago interfered with the mail he sent the federal troops at once to clear up the matter. He totally imbued his virtues of hard work and honesty into the federal government which indeed made it very efficient and also gained confidence from the people. Cleveland really is the most underrated president ever in United States history.

Top 10 Most Visited Websites

There are billions of websites in the world today and hundreds and thousands new are adding daily. A dozens of websites prevailed for a long time on the internet and ruled over the www web. But ultimately many of them did fall off after some years of doing business because they did not pre planned all the business well. These websites have got the premium position and ranking and at the top of all millions of loyal readership and regular users who have made them get this entire milestone to get the name of the most visited websites.
10. QQ

 QQ is the most popular social networking website with instant online messenger and a website based in Mainland, China. QQ has more than 800 Million active users with the most active QQ users at time exceeded 100 Million in World. Almost it drives 1,092,194,208 page impressions daily with a net worth of $788 Million and the Alexa rank of 10.
9. Twitter

 Twitter is also an online social networking most visited website service which enables users to post tweets of up to 140 characters called tweets. Twitter launched in 2006 now holds the record of more than 200 Million most actively participating twitter users tweeting daily. It provides an ultimate best way to interact the celebrities with their fans and followers. With daily page impressions of 253,299,926 twitter gets on the 9th spot in most visited websites. The net worth of Twitter is $1.1 Billion with a Alexa rank of 9.
8. Windows Live

 Microsoft is everywhere on the lead and it did not let pass any one in any case. The Windows live is the collective brand website for mostly all the web services provided by Microsoft for its valuable customers and readers all over the world. It has a Alexa rank of 8 with 684,728,105 daily page views and the net worth of this popular website is $1.3 Billion. It also offers some premium services for free like sky drive which provides online 25GB of free data storage.
7. Blogger

 Blogger is a blog publishing tool by Google and the website got a huge popularity as it is offering free self hosted blogs worldwide offering the bloggers and online marketers a wide variety of free blogs and save money to spread their voice to the world and the public. The website “Blogger” almost get 624,202,064 daily page impressions and has a Alexa rank of 6 was launched in 2003 and is still really popular among people under Google Blogs. The net worth of this a gigantic visited website is $1.4 Billion.
6. Wikipedia

 Wikipedia is one of the biggest free and web based encyclopedia covering all the news related to almost anything. The Wikipedia website is funded and supported by Wikimedia Foundation which runs on public and international donation for the awesome workers and researchers who have made this website the most visited website on earth. Wikipedia drives 313,997,828 page views daily with a net worth of $1.5 Billion.




The Top Ten Everything in World