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Friday 2 November 2012

Top 10 Weirdest Hotels From Around The World

10. Dog Bark Park Inn (USA)

9.  Safari Land Farm and Guest House (India)

8.  Capsule Hotels (Netherlands)

7.  Drain Pipe Hotel (Austria)

6.  Alcatraz Hotel (Germany)

Top 10 American Downtowns

10. Milwaukee

9. Detroit

8. Seattle

7. Boston

6. Miami

Top 10 Things China Invented First

10. Government-Issued Paper Money
9. Printing
8. Paper
7. Gunpowder
6. Compass
5. Coffins, Tree coffins, Urns
4. Fork and Chopstick
3. Holistic Health
2. Restaurant Menu
1. Toilet Paper

Top 10 Most Important Empires In History

10.  The Mayan Empire (ca. 2000 BCE-1540 CE)

9.  The French Empire (1534-1962)

8.  The Spanish Empire (1492-1976)

7.  The Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)




The Top Ten Everything in World