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Top 10 Most Expensive Cars in the World

To have a beautiful, luxurious and speedy car is dream of almostevery human. There are different types of cars with different qualities like speed, luxury, look etc

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Top 10 Assault Rifles

Rifle is one of the biggest inventions in history of war. An assault rifle is defined as a selective fire rifle that uses an transitional cartridge and a removable magazine. In today’s world Assault rifles are the standard infantry weapons in most modern armies. In the following there is a list of top ten Assault rifles in the world,

1. AK-47

Initially developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov. The AK-47 is a selective-fire, gas-operated 7.62x39mm assault rifle, the AK-47 stands for Kalashnikov Automatic Rifle, 1947 Model. It is officially known as Avtomat Kalashnikova (or simply ‘AK’). It is also known as a KalashnikTov or Russian jargon Kalash.


The Special Forces Combat Assault Rifle, or SCAR, is a modular rifle made by FN Herstal (FNH) for the United States Special Operations Command. FN SCAR is a fully automatic and modern warfare gun.

3. M-16

The M16 is the United States military label for the AR-15 rifle. Colt purchased the rights to the AR-15 from ArmaLite and currently uses that designation only for semi-automatic versions of the rifle. The M16 rifle fires the 5.56x45mm cartridge and Caliber 5.56 mm.

4. Steyr AUG

The AUG is an Austrian bullpup 5.56mm assault rifle, designed by Steyr Mannlicher GmbH & Co KG (formerly Steyr-Daimler-Puch). The AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr) was used by the Austrian Army as the StG 77 (Sturmgewehr 77) in 1977.

5. M-4

A reduced changed version of the M16A2 rifle, the M4 has 14.5 in (368 mm) barrel, allowing the individual soldier to better operate in close quarters. The M4 has selective fire options including semi-automatic and three-round burst. The carbine is also capable of mounting an M203 grenade launcher.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Top 10 Largest Islands In The World

Earth consists of 70 % water and 30% land. In 30 % there are some lands which are surrounded by water. There are many islands in the world. All of them have fantastic and amazing beauty. Heart breaking sun sets, fascinating moon light and cool breezes make them a perfect place to visit. In the following there is list of top 10 largest islands of the world,

10. Ellesmere Island:
 The island of Ellesmere is located in Canada.  This island is branch of Qikiqtaaluk region. Most of the area is covered with glaciers and ice. Most part of this island is covered by water; there are some places where land exists.  Ares of this island is 196,236 kilometer square.

9. Great Britain:
Great Britain is located in the Europe. It is one of most important and modern country in Europe. Great Britain still have a queen also it have a parliament. There are many other small islands in surrounding of this island. Great Britain is ranked number 3 in population according to area. Area covered by this island is 209,331 square k.m.

8. Victoria Island:

The island of Victoria is also located in Canada. This island is named after Queen Victoria. It is second biggest island in Canada. It has a stunning and beautiful view. It also have mountains in the central part called Shaler Mountains. Area of this island is 217,291 kilometer square.

7. Honshu:
The island of Honshu is sited in Japan and is the main island of Japan. A great number of tourists come here every year. It is mainland of Japan and early history of Japan took place here. It also has the highest mountain of Japan named “Mount Fiji”. Area of this island is 225,800 square kilometers.

6. Sumatra:
Sumatra is located in west of Indonesia. It is also a tourist spot. It has beautiful view and lot of palm trees. There are many resorts and hotels for tourists. The width of this island is 435 kilometers at centre point. Are of this island is 443,066 square kilometers.

5. Baffin Island:

The island of Baffin is Canada’s largest island. It is situated on the east side of Baffin Bay ahead of the Greenland Island. This island has two large lakes. The population of this island is approx 15,000. It also has mountains. Area of this island is 507,451 kilometer squares.

4. Madagascar:
The island of Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean parallel to the South-Eastern coast of Africa. It has population of 20 million. This Island is full of natural resources. This island is also a tourist spot; people travel from all over the world to Madagascar for fun.  Area of this island is 587,713 kilometer square.

3. Borneo:
Borneo is situated in the North of Australia. Borneo is being divided between three Muslim countries; Indonesia has 73% land, Malaysia has 26% and Islamic kingdom of Brunei have 1% of land. This island has endless beauty with having a large number of trees. Area of this island is 748,168 kilometer squares

2. New Guinea:
New Guinea is also located in the area of Indonesia in the Pacific Ocean. Most of area in this island is consist of mountains. The population of this island is approx 7.5 million. Total area of this island is 785,753 kilometers square.

1. Greenland:
The island of Greenland is situated in the kingdom of Denmark between the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean. Climate of this island is mostly cold. Most of the area is covered by snow all the time. Population of this island is 56,749.  Area of this island is 2,130,800 kilometer squares

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Top 10 Most Beautiful Tree Tunnels

Trees are one of the best gift of nature to planet earth.  They give us beauty and protect our environment by providing color, shelter, and shade. They renew our air supply by soaking up carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. The most beautiful view of tree is provided by cherry trees, jacarandas, old beech trees  because they form a tree tunnel. In the following there is list of top 10 beautiful tree tunnels from all over the world,

10. Cherry Blossom Tunnel, Germany

This beautiful tree tunnel is located in the German city of Bonn. Each spring, a peaceful street transforms into a charming cherry blossom tunnel, also called Heerstraße. The average cherry blossom lasts only between 7 and 10 days, depending on weather conditions.

9. Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho, Brazil

This green tunnel called Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho is located in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This beautiful street is part of the country’s historical, cultural, ecological and environmental heritage.

8. Autumn Tree Tunnel, USA

This tree tunnel is simply astonishing. Its real beauty comes in autumn.  This tree tunnel is located on the way up to Smuggler’s Notch, a Vermont state park.The eye-catching foliage starts changing its color in the northern region, in response to many environmental factors, and spreads south as the fall season advances.

7. Ginkgo Tree Tunnel, Japan

Gingko biloba is a highly recognized tree in Japanese culture. This ginkgo tree survived the Hiroshima bombing and is still alive today. Therefore, the Japanese regard the gingko as “the bearer of hope”. It is also known as “the survivor” or “the living fossil.”

6. Yew Tree Tunnel, UK

The Yew Tunnel is located in one of the most beautiful gardens in Wales, UK. The Yew Tunnel is a popular tourist attraction in this area. The Yew Tunnel is have been planted by the Dyer family of Aberglasney, during the 18th century.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Top 10 Muscle Cars

There are many big names in motor car industry like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porche, Benz etc. Some of them are sports and some are luxurious. Muscle cars are also a type of motor car. A true muscle car was built for the everyday American who would spend from $500 to a couple grand more in the late 60s and early 70s. These are the fully modified cars with maximum engine power and old model body. In the following, there is list of top 10 muscle cars of the world

10. 1965 Pontiac GTO

The car to start the American muscle car craze, the Goat or 1965 Pontiac Tempest GTO.  It remained as a featured racing car for a long time after it was out driven in speed and power. From 0-60 in 6.1 seconds was not untidy, but not splendid considering the next 10 years of muscle cars.

9. 1970 Buick ‘GSX’ Stage 1

A beefy Buick, the Stage 1 ‘GSX’ has a performance package of boasted 400bph. This car has a bigger valve, better head and hotter cam shaft. This supercar did the quarter mile in 13.38 seconds and came in only two colors.

8. 1969 Ford Mustang ‘Boss 429’

The ‘Boss 429’ 1969 Ford Mustang was the costliest non-Shelby Mustang Ford offered at the time. The reason for 429 hp engine was that Ford wanted to get into NASCAR, while the car was not built for its screaming starts, it was known for long-haul racing capabilities and smooth handling.

7. 1970 Plymouth Hemi-Cuda

The greatest of the 1970 Plymouth Barracudas featured a 425 bhp with 426 hp hemi engine. A monster on the road, the Hemi Cuda was made for muscle lovers. This muscle car boasted a 0-60 mph in 5.6 seconds and was known for burning rubber.

6. 1969 Z28 Camaro

The 1969 Z28 Camaro was built for road racing, its sense of style and handling capabilities. One of the most stylish muscle cars, this Camaro could do a quarter-mile in 14.8 sec. It was known for its great handling with four-disc brakes, positraction and power steering.




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